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S01E07 1


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:9,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

- Previously on Desperate Housewives...
- What is it you hired me to do?

Someone sent that to my wife.
I need to know who.

Some secrets were discovered.

After Mom died, I started remembering
what happened to Dana.

- Dana?
- What are you doing?

Some secrets were uncovered.

Could be anyone
she's having an affair with.

Don't worry.
I'm not letting her out of my sight.

- And some secrets...
- Jordana Geist gets her work done.

- How do you cram it all in?
...were shared.

That's ADD medication.

Competition. It means different things
to different people.

Competition. It means different things
to different people.

In suburbia,
it means keping up with the Joneses.

On Wisteria Lane, that means
keping up with Bre Van De Kamp.

Everyone knew Bre had
the nicest lawn in the neighborhood.

And no one begrudged her this.

No one, that is, except Martha Huber,

whose own lawn paled in comparison.

No matter how carefully she trimmed,

or how lovingly she watered...

or how generously she fertilized,

the grass was always grener
on the other side of the fence.

Hello, Victor. How are you today?

- Out jogging again?
- I can't... catch my breath.

Would you like a slurp from my hose?




Don't worry.
I'm gonna get an ambulance.

Then one day, Mrs. Huber finally got
the chance to mow down the competition.

Help! Somebody help!

[Gasps] What happened?

He collapsed on your hydrangeas.
Call 911!

[Radio chatter]

[Radio chatter]

Yes, Mrs. Huber understood
the first rule of competition:

In order to win,
you have to want it more.

When I was alive, my friends and I
came together once a month

for a meting
of the Wisteria Lane Book Club.

We found the problems
of literary characters so absorbing.

The way they dealt with adversity,

conducted illicit affairs,

endured domestic dramas,

and planned romantic conquests.

But since my death, my friends
had lost their interest in fiction.

So, what did everybody think?

Their own problems
had become absorbing enough.

I thought the character
of Madame Bovary was very inspirational.

[Baby gurgles]

Inspirational? [scoffs]
She poisons herself with arsenic.

- [Lynette] Really?
- You didn't read until the end?

[Lynette] I stopped after page 50.

- Am I the only one who read the book?
- I saw the movie. It was good.

Ladies, I'm sorry, but
what is the point of having a book club

if we don't read the book?

- More wine?
- [Murmured assent]

Sue, Reba, Emma and Lori, would you
girls come and help me with the snacks?


emma [ˈemə] n. 艾玛(女子名) { :4426}

uncovered [ʌnˈkʌvəd] v. 揭露(uncover的过去分词);脱帽致敬;移去覆盖物 adj. 无覆盖物的;[保险] 未保险的;无盖的 { :4432}

trimmed [trɪmd] adj. 平衡的;切边;纵倾的;修整过的 { :4920}

snacks [snæks] n. [贸易] 小吃;快餐;零嘴(snack的复数) v. 吃快餐;斗嘴(snack的三单形式) {ielts :5187}

gasps [ɡɑ:sps] v. 喘气( gasp的第三人称单数 ); 喘息; 倒抽气; 很想要 { :5196}

madame ['mædəm] n. (法语)夫人;太太 {zk ky :5484}

poisons [ˈpɔizənz] n. 毒药( poison的名词复数 ); 酒; 极糟的食物; 极有害的思想(或心情等) v. 毒死( poison的第三人称单数 ); 污染; 放毒于; 对…有不良影响 { :5542}

housewives ['haʊswaɪvz] n. 家庭主妇(housewife的复数) { :5741}

victor [ˈvɪktə(r)] n. 胜利者 n. (Victor)人名;(俄、罗、保、匈)维克托 {toefl :6131}

groans [ɡrəunz] n. 呻吟,叹息( groan的名词复数 ); 呻吟般的声音 v. 呻吟( groan的第三人称单数 ); 发牢骚; 抱怨; 受苦 { :6209}

hose [həʊz] n. 软管;长筒袜;男性穿的紧身裤 vt. 用软管浇水;痛打 {cet6 ky ielts :6226}

conquests [ˈkɔŋkwests] n. (对困难、危险等的)控制( conquest的名词复数 ); 占领(或征服)的地区; 攻取; (爱情或性方面)被俘虏的人 { :6507}

Martha ['mɑ:θә] n. 玛莎(女子名);马大(马利亚和拉撒路之姊) { :6788}

cram [kræm] n. 死记硬背;极度拥挤 adj. 填鸭式学的 vi. 狼吞虎咽地吃东西;死记硬背功课 vt. 填满,塞满;死记硬背;猛吃 n. (Cram)人名;(英、德)克拉姆 {toefl gre :7380}

dana ['deinə] n. 美国德纳(美国汽车公司) { :7508}

jogging [ˈdʒɒgɪŋ] n. 慢跑 v. 慢跑(jog的ing形式);轻推;唤起 {toefl :8335}

generously ['dʒenərəslɪ] adv. 慷慨地;宽大地;丰盛地 { :8545}

illicit [ɪˈlɪsɪt] adj. 违法的;不正当的 {toefl gre :8764}

mow [məʊ] n. 草堆;皱眉;谷堆 vt. 割草;收割庄稼 vi. 割草;收割庄稼 n. (Mow)人名;(英)莫 { :9661}

assent [əˈsent] n. 同意;赞成 vi. 同意;赞成 {gre :9760}

chatter [ˈtʃætə(r)] n. 唠叨;饶舌;(动物的)啁啾声;潺潺流水声 vt. 喋喋不休地说;使卡嗒卡嗒作声 vi. 唠叨;喋喋不休;(动物等)吱吱叫 {cet6 :10403}

scoffs [skɔfs] v. 嘲笑,嘲弄( scoff的第三人称单数 ) { :11015}

adversity [ədˈvɜ:səti] n. 逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸 {toefl :11343}

inspirational [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃənl] adj. 鼓舞人心的;带有灵感的,给予灵感的 { :11528}

lovingly ['lʌvɪŋlɪ] adv. 亲切地;钟爱地 { :11745}

arsenic [ˈɑ:snɪk] n. 砷;砒霜;三氧化二砷 adj. 砷的;含砷的 { :12756}

fertilized ['fɜ:rtɪlaɪzd] adj. 已受精的 { :13459}

suburbia [səˈbɜ:biə] n. 郊区;郊区居民 { :18119}

meting [mi:tɪŋ] v. <正,文>(对某人)施以,给予(处罚等)( mete的现在分词 ) { :18736}

slurp [slɜ:p] n. 吃的声音;啜食声 vt. 出声地吃或喝 vi. 出声地吃或喝 {gre :19312}

gurgles [ˈgɜ:gəlz] n. 汩汩声(似水自窄颈瓶内流出的),(尤指婴儿高兴时发出的)咯咯声( gurgle的名词复数 ) v. 作汩汩声,作咯咯声( gurgle的第三人称单数 ) { :19827}

hydrangeas [haɪdreɪnd'ʒəz] n. 八仙花属( hydrangea的名词复数 ) { :20079}

begrudged [bɪˈgrʌdʒd] v. 嫉妒( begrudge的过去式和过去分词 ); 勉强做; 不乐意地付出; 吝惜 { :20345}

wisteria [wɪˈstɪəriə] n. 紫藤;柴藤 { :24567}

lori [ ] [女子名] 洛丽 Loren的阴性 { :29956}

Bovary [ ] 包法利(人名) { :30843}

Huber [ ] [人名] 休伯; [地名] [美国] 休伯 { :37622}

bre [ ] abbr. 宗教教育学士(Bachelor of Religious Education);建筑研究院(Building Research Establishment)

geist [gaɪst] n. 感性,理智感受性

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

joneses [ ] n. 与自己社会地位相等的人;邻居

jordana [ ] [网络] 乔丹娜;佐丹娜;平价眼线笔

Keping [ ] [网络] 俞可平;江湖漂漂;菠萝油旺旺

reba [ˈri:bə] abbr. relativisitic electronic beam accelerator 大功率电子聚束器; relativistic electron beam accelerator 相对论电子束加速器

catch my breath [ ] [网络] 无法喘气;随着我的呼吸;屏住呼吸

cram it [ ] [口语]见鬼去吧:

Desperate Housewives [ ] [网络] 绝望的主妇;绝望主妇;疯狂主妇

in comparison [in kəmˈpærisən] [网络] 相比之下;比较;比较起来

literary character [ ] [网络] 文学品格;文学角色

Madame Bovary [ ] [网络] 包法利夫人;包华利夫人;波瓦利夫人

mow down [məu daun] v. 杀死;扫杀 [网络] 摧毁;割倒;消灭

pale in comparison [ ] [网络] 相形失色

side of the fence [said ɔv ðə fens] (辩论、冲突中的任意)一方

the grass [ ] [网络] 草;草地;赐给草地

to mow [ ] [网络] 割草;刈割;剪草

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用